My friend N has moved to Abu Dhabi to live. I'm not sure when I will see her again.
When she told me she was leaving I thought of a book I had about two women who lived on opposite sides of the United States and shared a year of their lives through a digital photo taken each morning. Their story and images caught the imagination of people around the world and their personal project became a book A Year of Mornings. 3,191 Miles Apart.
Each day since N's been gone, we've sent a photo of something from our morning to each other. A vignette of simple, everyday things. We don't write anything, we don't give the photo a caption, we don't even look at the photo that's arrived in our inbox before we have taken our own and sent it on its way.
Our photo journal of our lives at the beginning of a new day is unsophisticated and intimate and won't win any prizes. Somehow though, through the photos, we are connected in our daily lives. And the photos cause me to pause and contemplate the solace and joy of an everyday life.
N and I live 7,472 miles apart. Photos from 5 July 2011.
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